Dr. Leanne De Souza-Kenny

Professional Biography

Dr. Leanne De Souza-Kenny has been teaching for over 15 years in post-secondary education. She completed her Master of Science (MSc) degree in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto where she studied the effects of complementary alternative medicines on blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Her research included modification of risk factors for metabolic disease at The Risk Factor Modification Center at St. Michael’s Hospital. She went on to complete her PhD at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, where she studied early detection of risk factors for metabolic disease in pregnancy and thereafter. Her research interests include prevention of obesity-mediated diseases and cardiovascular disease risk in vulnerable populations. She continues to work at St. Michael’s Hospital and she teaches at the University of Toronto.

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Reflection Questions

What is one healthy choice you can make today?

In what ways do you notice the connection between physical health and mental health in your own life?

What do you know about the health-related habits of your ancestors? How might have these habits impacted you?

What tools or practices do you use to help you deal with stress?

In what ways can we make an impact on global health equity by making small-scale actions in our own lives and communities?

It is possible for us to make many different choices regarding our health in our daily life. But what are some ways we can find the motivation to do so?

We all make choices sometimes that are not the healthiest. What might be some reasons why you make your less-healthy choices?

Introducing Dr. Leanne De souza-Kenny

Dr. De Souza-Kenney tells us about her educational and research background.

Health and Nutrition throughout the Lifespan

Dr. De Souza-Kenney explains the many ‘social determinants of health’ that affect our lives, many of which we may not often take into consideration. Learning about social contributors to health or illness can help us understand why there are disparities in health literacy, and also how predispositions to certain conditions arise among groups of people.

Simple Tools for Healthy Living

Dr. De Souza-Kenney talks about the relationship between stress and our health. We all have access to simple practices that can lower our stress levels and improve our biology, such as breathing exercises and adjusting our posture.

Making Food Choices on Campus

In this video, Dr. De Souza-Kenney begins by discussing the intergenerational factors that contribute to our health, both biological and environmental. Many traditional food choices our ancestors made are actually backed by science, making most of our homemade foods naturally more healthful than processed ones. Dr. De Souza-Kenney suggests bringing some of your own food to campus as an easy way to choose healthier eating.

Taking Local Steps to Make Global Change

Dr. De Souza-Kenney asks the major question of health equity: how do we get diversified diets and nutrient density to the populations that need it? There are many global-scale and national-scale ways of answering this question, but we can also begin with ourselves and our own communities.